Saturday, April 18, 2020

If people did not love one another, I really don't see what use there would be in having any spring. - Victor Hugo

During these last several weeks while stay at home mandates have been in place, my travel has mostly been limited to taking walks through the neighborhood.  I've noticed more chickadees flitting about and heard the occasional Steller's Jay making noise outside our home, but I'm very much longing to see the return of spring migratory birds.  There is still snow on the ground and some waterways remain largely frozen here.  However, warming temps are quickly melting the remnants of winter.  Thankfully!  

Many of my favorite spots to bird watch aren't currently ideal for maintaining a safe distance from others so I'm patiently awaiting mud season's passing.  The hope is that clearer paths and the ability to step off trail will soon make exercising and bird watching easier.  This might seem like a silly concern or ambition in the midst of a pandemic, but nature has always been my respite from stress and worry.  It is my soother, a way to seek calm and peace, the literal path to joy and repose.  Watching birds has become yet another way to attain tranquility while outdoors.  (Confession: my husband and I have been watching YouTube videos of birds and The Cornell Lab webcams to both amuse our cat and to get our avian "fix.")

So until restrictions lift and risks are eliminated, I'll peruse and post photos from previous years (like those above), watch birds from my windows or yard, and enjoy glimpses caught while walking.  Stay safe everyone.

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