Saturday, April 8, 2017


There are several people in my life who abhor stillness.  They're always busy, constantly moving, always having something to do, never one without plans or places to be.  I am very much the opposite.  I relish stillness.  Quiet.  A peaceful afternoon with no agenda and nowhere to be.  

So I'm sitting at my desk, sipping hot tea and listening to the breeze as it makes the newly budding tree outside my window sway.  Keeping an eye out for the killdeer I can hear but not see.  Wondering if the white-faced ibis that made a stopover yesterday in a large muddy puddle is still nearby.  Thinking I may soon take a nap.

A day like today reminds of Sundays when I was growing up.  It was the one day of the week where we often didn't have much on the calendar or to do list.  We would eat a mid-afternoon supper that sometimes had been cooking for hours.  We had plenty of time to be outside, to read, to watch an old movie on TV, to nap, or perhaps go for a leisurely drive in the country.  I loved those calm days that seemed to last longer than any other day of the week.  Today feels like one of those childhood Sundays.   

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