Sunday, July 13, 2014

Bloem, Fiora, Hana, Blume, Bunga, Fleur, Floare, Flor

part of my of my tea cup and saucer collection
The title of this post contains words in various languages that translate to "flower."  I simply love flowers.  I don't often buy them for myself or frequently keep them inside my house.  I don't even have house plants, mostly because we don't live in one spot long enough to care for and keep them.  But I adore flowers.  Whether they are the beauties I see in my front yard as I sit at my desk or felt flowers, fabric flowers, wooden flowers, ceramic flowers or pressed flowers - I enjoy them all.

sculpture on a memorial in Vienna

To me, flowers in all varieties provide a boost of happiness and joy.  They inspire relaxation.  I truly delight in the many colors and shapes of ornament that mother nature has devised.  I am the dork in botanic gardens and city parks taking dozens and dozens of photos.  Roses, lilacs, columbine, clematis, hydrangea, peonies, poppies, what have you - they're all ogle-worthy to me.

fun rose fabric from Joann Fabric and Craft

ceramic pansy pendant

My affection started when I was young.  I grew up in a house across the street from a greenhouse.  They sold flowers and plants in a small front shop.  Behind that was a large greenhouse.  I would often go inside to wander the rows of seedlings and full grown plants and flowers while soaking in the humidity and smell of soil.  They were very tolerant of the neighborhood kids doing this, thankfully.  To this day, anytime I go into a flower shop or greenhouse I am instantly transported back to this first glass-enclosed haven.

close up of the bouquet Tim sent for Valentine's Day

I don't have a Pinterest board, but I do have a huge folder on my laptop full of flower pictures that I add to regularly.  I use it as my desktop background, the photos changing every 10 seconds so I can enjoy the rotation every day.  I also cut out flowers from magazines and seed catalogs.  Some might say I'm a little......obsessively fond.  I'm okay with that label.

felt flowers that become colorful mobiles

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